
Cold Extraction

“Koroneiki” Variety

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

ISO 22000:2018

sitia pdo olive oil

“A Drop of Gold”, is a three-year campaign, funded by the EU that aims to promote European premium quality olive oil to the markets of Japan and China.

The main objective of the campaign is to raise the awareness regarding the quality of European agricultural products and the high standards in force for production and processing methods in the E.U. as well as to increase the competitiveness and consumption of E.U. olive oil by a Consortium of six Agricultural Cooperatives of protected designation of origin (PDO) Olive Oil Producers of the wider area of Sitia, located in eastern Crete.

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A Drop of Gold at FOODEX JAPAN 2024

The association of Producer Organizations of High Quality PDO SITIA Olive Oil "A Drop of Gold" participated in the exhibition FOODEX JAPAN 2024, from

Press Event @ Tokyo, Japan 2024

A Drop of Gold | Press Event | Tokyo, Japan The Association of Producer Organizations of High Quality PDO SITIA Olive Oil organized

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